Transformation happens here!


At Grace, we believe the transformation process is built on connecting in Christ-centered community. It is the context and the foundation for everything we do. We are always working to connect, build and launch communities that harness the transforming power of Christ and release it into our community. At Grace, our Community Groups are marked by doing 6 things:


  1. Confiding in one another

  2. Praying for one another

  3. Helping one another

  4. Applying Scripture together

  5. Inviting those who need community

  6. Launching people into their calling


You might be new to Grace or you might have been coming a long time and just need to get more involved. Either way, if you are wanting to grow, step #1 is finding a community and becoming an active participant. Fill out the Community Group interest form and we will reach out to you to help you get plugged in!